Next step for bottlecaps: sealing!
Tape a sheet of wax paper to your counter top. Tape because you don't need it sliding around with liquid resin ready to attach itself to you, your clothes, the counter, the floor, etc.
Mix the resin according to the package instructions. Basically, it's 50/50. Do not guess, just give up any tendency to wing it for this particular step. If you don't get the correct formulation, your resin will not harden. There will be bubbles, and it's ok. Mix for at least one minute with something you can throw away or be willing to clean with rubbing alcohol.
Have said rubbing alcohol on-hand. You will get this stuff on your fingers and a quick rinse will take care of it!
Get a dollop on the end of your dripping utensil (anything will do -- this stick did just fine and sometimes I use a plastic spoon) and drip onto your cap, like so:
Just let enough drip on so you can see it begin to spread out. I like it to go over the edge just a bit, but not necessarily all the way around all the way to the wax paper. (There's just more to clean up at the end.)
OK, the picture above right is the final result of the dripping. See how it hit the wax paper a couple of places? That's perfectly fine.
And of course you see the bubbles. They are easily removed by degasing, a fancy way to say: blow warm air close to the top of the cap with your mouth as if you're trying to make a mirror fog up. Seriously! The bubbles vanish! You might have to do this more than once; just keep an eye on them for the first 30-60 minutes or so. You don't hit the point of no return for maybe two hours.
That's it for part two! Stay tuned!
Oooh! Great tips Gigi!
Posted by: Deconstructing Jen | December 05, 2008 at 09:23